Starting on Wednesday 4th October we will have a regular open session at the garden every Wednesday from 1pm-3pm.
This is in addition to our regular Saturday sessions from 10-12noon.
Everyone is welcome to come and either have a look around or get their hands dirty! We have had some amazing produce this year from our veg beds, and it has really felt like gardening has started, so do come and get involved!
Prior to 4th October we have a few further midweek sessions:
Tues 19th Sept 18.00 to 19.30 (the last evening session for 2023 as it is starting to get dark)
Wed 20th Sept 10.00 to 12.00
Tues 26th Sept 10.00 to 12.00
And look out for an exciting update on garden developments in another news item coming soon!