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Open Day Saturday 23rd March

The garden is coming on really well - we are keen to show it off to the community and so we're holding an Open Day on Saturday 23rd March!

We would love as many people as possible to come and take a look around, and are excited to be able to do this at the start of the gardening year.

Do come and join us, for any or all of the morning. We will be there from 10.30-12.30 and will be serving hot and cold drinks, and ready to answer any questions about what is happening at the garden and how to get involved.

There will be nature-based activities and seed planting for all ages to take part in (children are very welcome, as long as they are with an adult), or you can just have a walk around and take a look if you prefer.

At 11.30, the Mayor will be joining us for a tree planting ceremony as we officially declare the garden to be open!

And there has been a lot going on to celebrate! We now have running water on the site, which is a fantastic development and will make such a difference compared to all the water-carrying that went on last summer (huge thanks to Tessa for being so persistent in making this happen!). Our composting toilet is fully operational, and our new polytunnel will have its cover put on this week! This means we will have somewhere to shelter if it rains, and it will provide a perfect environment to sow seeds and get them growing!


On another front, the fantastic service "Dose of Nature" is proving so successful in helping people with their wellbeing that they are looking for more volunteers. Take a look at the leaflet below for more information:

DoN Flyer 2024
Download PDF • 904KB

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